The Committee was presented with a report that set out a project update on the 1-2 Spring Hill, Tavistock: Redevelopment of Homeless Provision initiative.


In discussion, the following points were raised:-


(a)  A number of Members recognised the importance of the heritage aspects that were associated with the project and that these had to be considered alongside the need for the scheme to be practical, affordable and fit for purpose;


(b)  Members noted that the budget implications of the project were to be presented to a future Hub Committee and Full Council meeting;


(c)  The desperate need for this facility was recognised by a number of Members;


(d)  With regard to the public consultation exercise on the project, it was confirmed that this would be undertaken as part of the normal planning process.  In response to a specific request, it was agreed that consideration would be given to the merits of a press release accompanying the launch of the public consultation exercise.


It was then reSOLVed that:


1.    the Planning Pre-Application advice (ref. 2570/19/PRM) (as set out in Appendix D of the presented agenda report) be noted;


2.    the project finances be noted (as set out in Section 6 of the presented agenda report) and the Business Case (as presented to the Hub Committee at its meeting held on 20 October 2020 (Minute HC 29 refers) will be presented to both the Hub Committee and the Council for financial approval at an appropriate time; and


3.    the Head of Assets be authorised to submit a full planning application for the preferred design as follows:


-       demolition of existing building and rebuild on larger footprint;

-       creation of 11 self-contained apartments with a mix of range of 1 and 2 bedroom units to maximise flexibility for users;

-       inclusion of a ground floor staff office and bin store to provide more effective management options; and

-       generation of a rear courtyard to provide safe outdoor space for residents.